Orders typically ship within 24 hours. It may take up to 2 days.
US & Canada orders arrive in 1-5 days. Most international orders arrive within 7 days.
This is fully dependent on where the shipment is going. Certain countries will charge import duties that will be due upon delivery.
Most payment methods are accepted. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Stripe.
Yes as long as the order has not yet been processed. Please contact us via chat, phone or email to request a cancellation.
We can only ship to the address you provided upon ordering but we can help you cancel and reorder with the correct address. Just contact us.
Yes we offer 30 day FREE returns for a full refund as long as the item is still new and sealed. Defective items must be sent back within 7 days of arrival. Damaged/used items will incur a deduction fee to account for item value loss. Terms apply. Please refer to our returns page.
You can send it back for a full refund but it must be sent back within 7 days of arriving. Please refer to our returns page for more details.
A refund will be processed typically the same day we receive a return. It may take up to 3 days if further inspection is required.